Even though they are called garden bags, I don't use them for that. I use transparent bags to store things in the attic so they can be easily identified if needed. I used to use black bags for contractors, but I've always had trouble understanding what was in each bag. The labels have fallen off or are difficult to see in the attic. One day I bought these clear bags and realized they would solve this problem. I store seasonal clothing, sleeping bags, extra blankets and throws, winter shoes, etc. I also put my suitcases and night bags in it so they don't collect dust and collect the fiberglass floating inside. If you recycle a lot, they work for that too since you can see what's in the bag. Surprisingly, these transparent bags are almost impossible to find in stores. Even in the big hardware stores where I found them. . I found some at Sam's Club but they were super thin ones used in hotels and restaurants for very light stuff like styrofoam sheets. The thickness is only 0.50ml. These husky pouches are twice as strong at 1ml. Huge difference.
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