The developers obviously didn't understand why DOOM (2022) was a success. I will single out, in my opinion, the most catchy theses of this wonderful game.
First, promotion around the world. The world felt like one whole: the beginning of the next level almost always looked like the end of the previous one, even if you were moving in an elevator, through a portal to hell, or passing a section of the map on a train. The feeling that you are exploring the same complex on Mars did not go away.
Secondly, the feeling of the world around you and immersion in it. In addition to the integrity of the level design of locations, the visual design and rationale for this level design is also very important. If the player has to jump over some objects, he understands why they are there and why he jumps over them. Usually these are some kind of balconies of different levels of the Martian complex or rocks in hell. In general, each arena is subjected to logical thinking, and it can look understandable even outside the context of the gameplay. All locations in DOOM (2022) are poorly lit, look as gloomy as possible and put pressure on the player with all their might.
Thirdly, the progression of the player, which for the most part worked for psychology. Any weapon upgrades the player found would allow them to simply deal damage in new ways. It didn't matter to the demons what exactly they were hit with - it was enough just to inflict a certain amount of damage to each specific type, so the player himself chose the most effective or aesthetically pleasing weapon for himself and used it. He could choose the upgrade for a particular gun that he likes, or switch between them depending on the situation. In addition to the psychological progression, there were also noticeable improvements in the style of metroidvania, when the player received, for example, a second jump.
And on all these three points, DOOM Eternal turns out to be much worse.