-Of course, the most significant disadvantage is the form that the design takes! This fabricated angularity was completely pointless! There are times when you want to keep moving and shooting the opponent, but your palm is resting on one of these corners. It has been determined that the radius of motions that can be controlled by fingers has been reduced. You need to make more use of your palm! The corner on the left sits on the base of the thumb, which makes it difficult to move the left arrow. In the center, the angle is absolutely enormous, and if you move the mouse back, you simply and forcefully bump against your hand, forcing you to then move your palm! In a nutshell, the sensor appears to function properly, however its capabilities are restricted due to the fashionable design! Because of the angular nature of the object, you will need to raise your hand in order to prevent the corner in the centre from coming to rest. When viewed from such a great distance, the hand starts to hurt!
-The next step, which is, of course, a decision about adjusting the DPI, is unintelligible. It is not entirely clear why it was required to modify the button that sets the DPI resolution settings. Roughly speaking, there isn't a button that's specifically designated for this! And at this point, you need to click "1" twice, then turn the wheel either clockwise or counterclockwise, and finally, you need to click "1" once to return to the game mode! A4tech!?!?! Are there too many options to choose from? This strategy undermines the fundamental purpose of the gaming mouse in its entirety. I used to be able to adjust the speed of the mouse whenever I wanted, but now I have to either remember how to do it or touch a whole number of buttons. In addition, the speed at which the mouse is moving is not quite evident.
-The little finger rest is not a pleasant spot for hands that are medium or small in size, which is the majority of hands. Because of this, the stand starts to work against you, and because of the way it's designed, you have to hold your fingers in a different way. As a consequence of this, the smallest finger does not have to be positioned on this stand; rather, it can be positioned in an angled position. It is possible that the nameless one will land on the little finger as a result of this, fettering them. or is in limbo, which is a state that soon wears one out!
-In addition to it, there was a jigsaw puzzle called marriage! There was an angle in the legs. It appears that one of the workers was unlucky enough to be the one who stuck on these Velcro!
-Sometimes the "3" button will be pressed all on its own!