📷 Top-Notch Performance: Camera Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Body in Sleek Black Design Review
Very good

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Description of 📷 Top-Notch Performance: Camera Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Body in Sleek Black Design
- - Dust / moisture protection - Very comfortable ergonomics (I don't want to switch to the younger series after 1D) - Strong autofocus - The camera is fully customizable for the owner, very flexible settings - Two flash drives - Hefty shutter resource - Shooting 10 frames per second (an indispensable thing for a sports correspondent) - Shooting video 1280x720 at 50 frames per second (for example, in order to make smooth slowdowns), and of course FHD shooting, not mandatory, but a useful feature. Maybe someday it will come in handy. - X-Sync 1/303c
- Slightly inferior in the number of useful settings (for example, micro-adjustment of zoom lenses, reticle in the viewfinder, etc. ) and high ISO to the new 5D MIII, but this is not so significant if you buy a used carcass, the difference with the new brand is about 15 -30 thousand, depending on the region.
- Characteristics are better than Mark III, sensitivity, for example, 2-3 times. The camera is really more convenient in terms of a more elaborate software interface. Information is constantly displayed on the LCD screen, and the quality of the LCD has greatly increased. Again, video recording with the highest image quality has appeared, although practically nothing will come of shooting (more on this in the shortcomings). It seems that the Mark IV has better autofocus than its closest compeor Nikon D3s. I couldn’t feel this, apparently I didn’t have much experience (the Mark III had very big problems with focusing, at first Canon lied for a long time that this was not the case, then they recalled a bunch of cameras for rework).
- The characteristics are noticeably worse than what is declared by the manufacturer, ISO 51200 and 102400 are really non-working, although the maximum declared ISO worked on previous models. I would like manufacturers not to write in those. characteristics of at least prof. models. You can shoot video only in very static scenes when refocusing is not needed. Well, something like news on TV. If the object is out of focus, you need to press * to refocus, as a result the image will blur (defocus) completely and then focus again correctly. Yes, in this case, the exposure will still be adjusted, i. E. the picture will play darker/lighter. So here is a video. If anyone knows how to focus video on the fly with their hands on the lens, then it will be just right for him. I haven't been able to do it yet.
- Excellent autofocus. Rate of fire. Two memory cards, you can duplicate the shooting. Very grippy. Dust and moisture protection. The battery is enough for me for more than two thousand shots, which is unimaginably pleasing. Very convenient control, all the necessary buttons are at hand, you can change the shooting parameters very quickly, without looking up from the process.
- Massive. Carrying it + a backpack with glasses (I shoot for fixes) periodically strains. Although some 5D + battery pack = the same. Not suitable for street photography (draws too much attention).
- Finally, Canon has a normal rapid-fire model - in my opinion this is the first high-speed camera without flaws - really fast, tenacious and accurate (less than 10 years !) autofocus, a clear picture at sensitivity up to 3200 ISO, high (and in most redundant cases) resolution, fast buffer, excellent screen, when working with flash it gives less exposure errors than any other camera from Canon, impeccable ergonomics, device durability and unsurpassed service life
- not detected (the noise of the mirror lifting mechanism, the price and weight of the camera do not count - in devices of this class it does not happen differently)
- Crop 1.26 Battery life Rate of fire 10fps Recording to 2 memory cards at once
- Weight with lens more than 2kg.
- 1) tank (all-weather and reliable) 2) picture (very good original quality, including high ISO) 3) battery (actually works out about 2022 frames) 4) speed and high flexibility of autofocus settings 5) Usability Live View
- 1) price in 2022 (skim cream) 2) heavy (although my hands are strong - I get a little exhausted by the end of the day)
- Build quality, reliability and reliability (shutter tested for shock resistance with a resource of 300,000 operations), autofocus (only 1DX is better) works at apertures up to 8, unlike the younger series where a maximum of 5.6 (you can use lenses with aperture 4 and extender 2x not losing autofocus). Also ease of operation, battery life, shooting speed and overall performance + small pleasant things.
- The price, of course, is just the price. I don’t consider the size and weight to be a minus, compared to the 5d series with baht. block 1dmk4 is the same! At the same time, nothing backlashes if you press harder and there is no risk of breaking the clamping ring, trying once again to tighten it. Also, no need to twist the baht. block before shooting at very slow shutter speeds.
- it’s good for everyone, it’s especially pleasing for units that they can press the trigger in the portrait position without twisting their arms, I have it hanging on my belt in this position and insane battery life
- maybe weight, but it's worth it another moment . I don’t know if it’s adequate to write this in shortcomings . but my Chinese flash, which works great with 20D, for example, worked on mark iii starting from the second frame in the series, the first one didn’t flash . but it doesn’t work at all . he sees it, it shows the focal length on the lens, in general, everything is fine, but it doesn’t puff . I think the wise men from canon deliberately messed something up there so that I would give them money and not the Chinese))). and I’ll have to give it (