Camping tent for four people Tramp LITE CAMP 4, green Review

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Description of Camping tent for four people Tramp LITE CAMP 4, green
- Compact when folded, lightweight
- 1 broke and sticks on first use
- I chose clearly according to the parameters. So that the bottom is completely waterproof, not pierced, not wiped. Today, of this kind, it is only Trumpowling, or it is also called reinforced polyethylene. It does not get wet at all, does not tear, is not pierced by cones, stones. What you need. Second. So that the ventilation windows are not in all walls, manufacturers often save material in this way, replacing the "breathing" nylon with a mesh-type for ventilation. Third. So that the frame (arc) of the tent is made of duralumin tubes, this is the weight. Fourth. The inner tent should be fastened to the frame with hooks - this is very convenient and fast. It often happens that the arcs need to be pushed through the sewn-in pockets on the tent - this is not convenient. Fifth. The awning must hold a declared minimum of 6 thousand mm. water column. Sixth. Total weight of the tent. Seventh. Price.
- In general, the whole tent can be assessed as "A pathetic parody of a branded item." Very low quality! Making this product, people were worried only about profit. The awning is declared that 4 thousand mm. holds water. In reality, in terms of density, if it holds a thousand (and this is still new) it will be good. Accessories are on the tent made of STEEL! Heavy. The transport bag is as small as ever! If after the rain (when the tent is wet) you try to shove it, then nothing will work.