Description of CloudBees Feature Management
CloudBees Feature Management is an enterprise-ready feature flag management solution, with robust deployment rules, audience segmentation and an experimentation framework for controlling which audiences are exposed to what features. Feature flagging is a method to show or hide specific software features at runtime. Features are coded with a flag and “released” to production systems, but only exposed to a given user if that user meets the criteria for the experiment. CloudBees Feature Management speeds the pace of development by enabling the delivery of software changes as soon as they are code complete or even for testing an mvp within a subset of users.
With CloudBees Feature Management you can rollout and rollback features, test and target features for specific customer segments for quick feedback and use gradual rollout and rollback capabilities to sidestep the danger of ‘big bang or bust deployments’ by measuring the performance of a feature with varying user traffic.
With high-performance SDKs for most types of web, mobile, and TV apps, Feature Management by CloudBees is the right solution for managing features at scale.