Description of Electric Bicycle Conversion Brushless Speedmeter Sports & Fitness
We use the Amazon logistics service, you can receive the goods faster.If there is a problem during use, please do not return the product directly.First, contact our store customer service.Our factory has been open for 10 years and has rich experience.We will provide you with a solution that satisfies you. 【Controller system】We use the Kunteng control system, please do not change any of the accessories at will, you can consult our store customer service if you have any questions. 【Installation】 Using this product, you can easily convert ordinary bicycles into electric bicycles.This is hundreds of pounds cheaper than buying a new electric bicycle.If you don't know how to install the kit, please find a bicycle store for help, or a friend who can install it for help.Ensure that the parts are in good condition, so as not to cause the kit to fail to work. 【Attention】This product is only suitable for bicycles with tire size of 26 inches. 【Note】Our products do not contain lithium batteries and inner and outer tires!. 【Motor】Conversion kit 48V1000W brushless gearless Rear Rotate motor. This product does not contain batteries!!!!.