- Everything works great
- Support Team Is Great& Helpful With Any Inquiries That May Occur Along Time Frame Of Implementation Process For Us Or They Respond Quickly To All My Questions As Needed.
- EasyTo Use Interface And PlatformIs Very Smooth
- Running

Frankli Review
Collaboration and Productivity, Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
Description of Frankli
Find what works faster. Unfiltered feedback. Unbiased data. Unbelievably helpful insights for growing high-performance cultures.
Frankli, the all-in-one performance-enhancing platform for companies that care about people.
We provide the tools, insights, and education (with minimal effort from our customers) so the barrier to finding what works for individuals, teams, and the business is lowered dramatically
Our mission is to equip businesses with the tools they need to find what works faster. Everything we do is driven by this mission. Everything we do needs to positively answer the question, "Does this help businesses find what’s working for them & their people?"
- Also great way to track overall satisfaction rates among employees as well allowing us insight into areas where improvements could be made throughout departments across each divisional group inside entire enterprise structure while remaining completely
- Zero
- Easy interface
- Great feature set for both staff management & customer facing feedback moderation.
- Able keep track anonymously vs forcing users into giving up personal info such ys names / photos
- Free service provided through SifterWorks
- I will keep silent