🎮 Unleash the Authentic Samurai Experience: Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on PlayStation 5 Review
Very good
PlayStation 5 Games, 🎮 PlayStation 5
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Description of 🎮 Unleash the Authentic Samurai Experience: Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on PlayStation 5
Entdecke in diesem Open-World-Action-Abenteuer die Wunder von Tsushima. Gehe neue Wege und führe einen unkonventionellen Krieg um die Freiheit von Tsushima. Fordere Gegner in packenden Samuraikämpfen mit deinem Katana heraus, meistere den Bogen gegen ferne Bedrohungen und entwickle Tarntaktiken, um Feinde zu überraschen. Erlebe auf der Insel Iki eine völlig neue Geschichte. Bonusinhalt für Vorbesteller: Digitaler Mini-Soundtrack von Ghost of Tsushima mit 2 neuen Bonustracks; 10 Artworks zu Ghost of Tsushima.
- Big seamless world Lots of activities Very beautiful!
- Monotony
- The main plot is good, the characters are colorful and developed. Here they have some variety. Plus, the staging of each quest is some kind of cinematic masterpiece - I've never taken so many screenshots and screencasts of a game.
- Enemies are too monotonous, and in fact, there are only 4 types of Mongols (they become stronger three times as the game progresses, but they are still the same enemies), 1 type of straw hats, and one type of Mongols in golden armor. All fights in the game are made according to the same principle, and there are too few differences and unique features between the bosses. The sidequests are siiiily inferior to the main storyline. I went through 2 storylines out of four or five - and they are all very so-so. And the ending of the storyline with Tomoe and Ishikawa is not subject to common sense at all .
- Minimalistic steelbook, good price, interesting game
- The finish on the steelbook is very easy to damage, lately some not very good paint