GxInfra is a full-scale end-to-end service that evaluates steady-state data center environments to enhance efficiency, reliability, dependability and security. Leveraging data center infrastructure management expertise, our automated services provide the optics necessary to refine and improve data center performance.
The most important thing about gxi infras is it has very good user interface which makes using of this software super easy! It also covers all areas in network operations like traffic monitoring or load balancing etc so its one stop shop for your needs related with these things as wellNetwork Operation Manager (NOM). No real downsides but I personally dislike how slow NOC can be at times when you do not have much control over resources there are some delays while adding new nodes/vms howeverβ¦
Very convenient web ui that make managing even huge amountof machines really simple
Flexible license options to choose depending upn business cases
Can't upgrade vm easily without shutting them down