Description of IFlight BLHeli_S Electronic Controller Quadcopter
SucceX-E 45A V2 BLHeli_S 4in1 ESC improved layout and connectivity,easy wiring and repair without taking apart your whole rig. 45a 4in1 esc built with 35v 470uF capacitor,package come with 50V 470uF capacitor. SucceX-E 45A V2 ESC based on SucceX ESC,was designed to give your motors smooth power with great stability and durability, more affordable. Standard 30.5*30.5 Φ3mm mounting holes; Vibration and shocks can be perfectly avoided by adding dampers. 6s ESC support Dshot Up to 600, support: DShot150/300/600/MultiShot/OneShot; support 2-6S Lipo Input.