Microsoft Xbox Series Robot White Bundle Review
Very good

Description of Microsoft Xbox Series Robot White Bundle
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- Tactile is a lot more pleasant to use than the Juanes gamepad. Okay, this chtoli seems to be of higher quality.
- It feels a touch tight for my large hands, but I'm sure I'll adjust.
- Comfortable, good quality
- They no longer give xbox a subscription for 3 months as a gift
- - Convenience, lies in the hand like a glove, it is very pleasant to use, everything is pleasantly pressed and clicked; - USB-C for charging (in the presence of a branded battery or an alternative equivalent) and connecting to a console, PC or other device; - Battery or batteries (you can choose what you prefer batteries, AA batteries or put a rechargeable battery directly from the built-in Type); - Stable connection via bluetooth or wire; - It looks stylish, a very nice thing without unnecessary design elements of dubious purpose, everything is simple and concise.
- - Price, expensive of course compared to DualSanse, very simple design, only 2 batteries included and nothing else; - Vibration is simple and does not work in many PC games, and where it works, only motors in the handles are involved, and motors in triggers are not used anywhere at all. - There are no settings on the PC, nothing can be done in the proprietary software, nor can the vibration from the handles be reassigned to triggers or something like that, it's just empty there . - Creaks, a month later began to creak in the hands, not very pleased; - The box button in the dark wants to burn out your eyes, but it does not turn off in the settings; - No accelerometer! Yes, how so! Damn, DualSanse has it, but it doesn't here! We still live in the year 202, now there are accelerometers even in headphones! It is clear that most likely almost all PC games would not support it, but there are many projects and emulators where it would be very useful! -No multipoint due to old bluetooth, now many headphones boast a multipoint function, it allows you to switch between 2 devices without resetting or turning off the device, it's very convenient, as you play simultaneously on the PC and on the x-box and on the phone; - There is no sound through bluetooth, the gamepad has a -3.5 mm jack. But it only works when the gamepad is connected via USB to the computer, when the gamepad is connected via bluetooth, the sound through the gamepad does not go to the headphones, but is played through the speakers of the computer or phone, in fact, the whole point of having this jack for a PC and a mobile phone disappears .
- Tactility Form Factor Control Responsiveness Ease of connection Strength
- Didn't find