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Revainrating 4 out of 5

I did not regret the purchase, everything is fine.

By using a well-known trading platform to get a thermal pistol and a set of jacks each with three poles, I was able to erase the most significant disadvantage. A couple of minutes are all it takes to solder the ears, and in addition to looking amazing, they last just as long as the native plug. In this iteration, I carried headphones till the braid of wires around the sides began to burst along)) evidently no one anticipated them to have such a long service life. It's a shame that my cat and…

  • -Affordable, I paid 220 for them before the financial crisis (maybe the cat nibbled pricey ears for many thousand), but today they can be purchased in retail for 700–900 dollars, and I believe that this is insanity. - Good sound (I have a music education), not perfect but not bad, it's very good to fall asleep in them under a book, there are not too many basses, they don't wake up, but not too little either - good rock listens nicely. Good sound (I have a music education); not perfect but not bad; it's very good to fall asleep in them under a book. - In general, a satisfying level of quality for the cost; feel free to discuss this here.
  • The fact that the wire close to the jack breaks off in a short amount of time is the most crucial aspect. I wear my earphones all the time, whether I'm driving, at work, or getting ready for bed; in fact, I often fall asleep with them in. It is common for one ear to quit functioning after one to two months. The sound of the wire becoming brittle in the cold and rubbing against clothing may be heard coming from the headphones. In my opinion, it is not really important. There is nothing else that comes to mind))

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Excellent quality, absolutely not expected for such a price.

I really don't want to call the flaws flaws; they're more like trifles, if that makes any sense =D If you simply keep the wire inside the down jacket, you won't experience any of the microphone effect at all = D. Pros: - Purple color (critically cute) Delight and unimaginable pleasure can be derived from listening to D'n'B, Hardcor'a electronic, or traditional music. It's possible that I'm just not a very experienced listener, but the bass gives me chills, especially on DNB Filthcast, for…

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Good value for money, I recommend it.

I choose to give a score of four since I am aware that the reasonable cost explains away the quality that isn't all that great. But by the grace of God, it would be best to pay more than necessary. Its advantages include the absence of the sensation that any of the frequencies are overly amplified. There are no unnecessary noises. Such frequencies are played without any distortion if you want to hear them. Contains negatives such as Where all of this language about "balanced frequencies" or…

Revainrating 4 out of 5

No complaints, I recommend to buy.

It's the first time in my life that I've ever had to "warm up" a pair of headphones. During the first two weeks of their performance, they were really difficult to listen to; nevertheless, when I was using the Sennheiser that I had borrowed from a friend, I occasionally donned Phillips headphones. They played out, much to my astonishment, and the sound ended up being well worth the investment for what it was. These headphones are great for the price of $350 (there aren't many that are better…

  • The bass and the very clean and direct sound are both very satisfying to the ears. comparatively low in price and actively working to recoup their losses (everyday cheaper analogues that I listened to sounded much worse). Small, designed to prevent them from falling out, and comfortable to wear in the ear (you can sleep on your side in them). Very loud (there is still a large margin on the phone). No matter how hard you try, the ear pads will not become clogged.
  • There is very little in the way of noise isolation. After using Sennheiser, it is really annoying to be able to clearly hear what is going on around you. Lacks low frequencies. Some of the songs are lacking in detail. The music suffers a little bit as a result of the fact that many of the sounds (instruments) are not audible as clearly as they should be. They can be heard from the outside only just if the volume is turned up very high.

Revainrating 3 out of 5

A little bit not what I expected, generally fine.

Even if you take the cable off and continue to play golf with it when it is frozen solid, the experience will be quite unpleasant due to the extreme cold. In addition, wheezing is experienced when walking, but not when standing still, suggesting that some contacts are to blame for the condition (when connecting other headphones, there is no such wheezing). I won't say that they are vacuum because they are designed in such a way that you just need to put them deep into your ear and because of…

  • are engaged in play
  • The cable tends to freeze up quite a bit, the connections fall out, and the nozzles are uncomfortable.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I recommend to buy, the product is of high quality.

The sound is excellent and more than justifies the purchase price. To tell you the truth, I did not believe that for three hundred to four hundred rubles, you could purchase these delicacies. The bass is not overpowering, the high frequencies are quite refined, and the sound isolation is fantastic! It would appear that someone in the family purchased the very first one but never used it for whatever reason that I am unaware of. Made the decision to accept it. I was instantly smitten with love…

Revainrating 5 out of 5

A great option for this money, I definitely recommend it!

These headphones have a good performance when compared to their cost to quality ratio. I, for one, am willing to forgive the manufacturer for all of the deficiencies that have been highlighted above. They were just 250 when I bought them. Do not believe any of the people who have written that they are dishonest; either the marriage was discovered, or it was a sham. The benefits of it include: On the first day, I found them to be enjoyable. The music was immediately pleasing to the ear. The…

Revainrating 1 out of 5

Lousy product, very low quality.

I listen to music using my ears in conjunction with a Fiio X3 II. I made the decision to purchase these ears because I have been waiting on rebar sony xba-c10 for three years while saving up for normal ears like second nails. However, I wanted to massage my brain with a bass of budget dynamic plugs while saving money, so I decided to purchase these ears instead. As a result, I went ahead and purchased it, and after turning it on, I can see clearly now. First impression: a deaf, if not deaf…

  • Affordable to a reasonable degree
  • Unrestrained bass that builds up whenever and whenever it may. Poor craftsmanship; this won't hold up for very long.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The quality is at the highest level, be sure to try it.

Simply out of interest, I decided to take it. After reading a ton of evaluations, I became curious about the kinds of super-earphones that can be purchased for 80 UAH. I was searching for a pair of headphones that could replace my Apple headphones from my iPod touch 4. It was easy for me to fall asleep with these, they did not put any strain on my ears, and the sound was very clear while providing a good "picture." The Phils were fond of the bass and the fact that there were not too many highs.

  • The quality of the sound is quite high. Extremely tiny. Do not get in the way, do not lose it, and do not put any pressure on the ear. Great stillness.
  • Wire that is rigid. Because of this, their hair is curly, and you can sometimes hear it scraping against their clothing. Not good shirts. Even with magical control over PowerAmp and the equalization it contains.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Not a bad product, quite normal quality.

Even if you ignore the fact that the product is more expensive, it is abundantly clear that the product's benefits far outweigh its drawbacks. Although if headphones are really good at what they're supposed to do, they're not the best choice for folks who are particularly discerning and sophisticated. There are essentially no basses present, despite the fact that there are moments when it appears that the "original" sound of the track is being played, which is to say "as is." If you turn up the

  • Design, weight, dimensions, the quality of the materials used, a comfortable fit in the ears, effective noise isolation, and lastly price)
  • Sound with piercing high frequencies and murky lows

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I was surprised by the quality for the price.

For those who feel that the level of bass present in these headphones is inappropriately high. I concur with what you said. It's true that they went a little too far with the bass, but. They have a saying that goes, "Everyone looks out for themselves." If you listen to players made by Philips, then everything will be all right:) owing to the fact that the "FullSound" technology utilized in Philips players is completely compatible with these qualities. And if you listen to players made by other…

  • Excellent acoustics Affordable pricing. Excellent acoustic performance at a reasonable cost.
  • The wire is very challenging. Those who enjoy going for morning runs may find that this activity is not the best choice. The rest is business as usual. Handling must be done with caution.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I have not regretted the purchase, everything is fine.

I have used these headphones for a very long time, and throughout that time I have gone through at least four or five different pairs. Were first black, then purple, then blue, and finally black once more. I really enjoy the way that they sound; they have deep basses, but they aren't obtrusive, and they don't boom, and at the same time, the mids and highs have a clear, distinct sound. I have not upgraded to a more expensive brand of headphones since I initially purchased this model because I do

  • + The sound quality is among the best available at this price point. In my opinion, they are not inferior in sound quality to headphones costing 1000-1500; + The classic shape of the earpiece and the associated wearing comfort; + Variety of colors; + Popularity - can be found in many stores, a very common model.
  • - Unreliable and break frequently after only a few months of usage; - Straight (not L-shaped) plug, which requires you to handle the headphones with extreme caution but does not actually improve their durability.

Revainrating 2 out of 5

It is impossible to use, a bad product.

I currently use the third iteration of the in-ear headphones. In the beginning, I purchased a product from a brand that was not the most well-known to me, and I was instantly blown away by how expressive the sound and powerful the bass are in comparison to the "carnations" (plug-in) that are typically used and those that are included with the phone. After a couple of years of being roughly used and thrown around in pockets with a variety of different keys, it became unusable. Purchased on the…

  • Earplugs that can be swapped out, come in three different sizes, and look excellent.
  • Silence can be heard at low frequencies.

Headphones available for a price lower than 500 yen. I'm going to compare it to my previous Fiscer for an even higher sum. The manufacturing quality is not the finest, but it might be worse - the rubber bands do not fall off (as was the case with the fiskers), the cable is soft and thin - it does not pull the earpiece out of the ears and it does not appear to be going to break very soon (what happened with the fiskers - the oak cable interfered, but then it broke in three places). It seems like

  • Strong low end, clear highs, and a manageable weight
  • Depending on the price, which has not been disclosed.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Not a bad product, quite normal quality.

They provided me with something similar, and right from the very first song, they left a strong impression on me. I went with them for a little over a year, but in some strange way I lost them in my one-room apartment and never found them, I was very upset, because it's really a very worthy option for between 400 and 700 dollars. I listened to music and enjoyed it. I went to the store to buy new ones and without thinking twice, I bought the same model. When I got them home, I realized that I…

  • The sound was impressive for the price range, particularly the bass, and I was delighted with the overall quality of the material.
  • I was unable to identify any major flaws; however, if the cost were higher, it would be feasible to purchase the item at a discount; hence, I experienced only favorable feelings.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great product, best quality.

You can get them for a good price if you look through the web retailers that are local to your city. And now I'll address those who voted with one star. You are either arrogant or majors who only listen to music on headphones that cost more than ten thousand dollars. ears are VERY well developed. Mind you, I'm not suggesting that anything is excusable as long as there is some kind of sound just because I paid $300 for them; no, I'm not saying that at all! It is a wonderful experience to listen…

  • Price (if you search, you can buy for 250-300, as I did) (if you search, you can buy for 250-300, as I did) Wire that is made of rubber. Excellent absorption of sound. Sound. As I went to buy it, I felt a sense of disappointment - the metal middle, if you will. But after a few days of playing together, they warmed up and significantly (!) began to play better. The bass is good, and I will give it a rating of 4 out of 5. Due to the absence of any significant obstructions in the middle-tops, listening is an enjoyable experience. The volume is perfect in this case. Noise isolation is good. It appears as though the music is coming from within the brain because the ears are not rubbing against one another and they are not overly heavy. Rock music, in particular, gives me a particularly nice and satisfying experience when I'm in those settings; I'm a big fan of music in general.
  • not a jack in the shape of an L. (this is both a drawback and an advantage; for further discussion, check the comments) Not having a flat wire (actually, this would already be quite a luxury, for a low price (up to 500), and having a flat wire, as well as being manufactured by a well-known firm)

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Best price for this product, will buy more!

Incredible quality for such a low price. Although I don't have much experience with "transparent tops," the music is enjoyable to listen to. It's possible that the snug fit in the ear canal is responsible for this impact. The same effect can be achieved by pushing other headphones, which is a painful process. The most likely explanation for this is that the output channel, the thing on which the ear pads are held, is shaped more anatomically correctly in the form of an oval. I'm not sure what…

  • A fairly good sound. Excellent absorption of sound. Capable of being survived. Compact.
  • When it is dark, it is impossible to tell which direction is right or left simply by touching something.

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Average quality, not a great product.

Has pros: Loud, clear, comfortable, 1 year warranty . Bought for 690r in Hong Kong. Normal price. Different cons: The quality is bad for that kind of money, after 3 months they broke down (the left speaker stopped working) tomorrow I'll carry it to change.