Description of PipelineSuite
PipelineSuite is a popular pre-construction bid management software service used by General Contractors, Subcontractors and their Suppliers since 2002. PipelineSuite is a "suite" of software modules which helps streamline your pre-construction bid management "pipeline" more efficiently.
The software was designed by people with many years of construction industry experience. It is highly customizable and integrates with other construction applications. PipelineSuite is the easiest bid management software to use and constantly striving to improve our services to make your job easier.
Our successful track record is tied to our core business philosophies:
Keep our General Contractor's data private. Data supplied by the GC is NEVER shared.
Keep the software intuitive, fast and easy for all trades to use.
Constantly improve our software based on customer feedback.
Provide unsurpassed customer service 24/7; 365.
Provide the best, reliable, cutting-edge, efficient software solution on the market for our
Contact us 949-222-0400 for a demo or sign up for a free trial.