- The shelving would be quite nice if it weren't for.

Rack 16 MF 1 1 | Rack laminated chipboard | Shelving in the nursery | Organizer | Pencil case | Decor | 103.5x32x71.6cm | white Review

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Description of Rack 16 MF 1 1 | Rack laminated chipboard | Shelving in the nursery | Organizer | Pencil case | Decor | 103.5x32x71.6cm | white
- There are chips
- White
- There is no instruction. The scanner is worth the instruction icon. Sorry, not everyone has a place in the phone. Look for a program to scan your codes.
- - price - quality
- - damage to the packaging (there were damages on the packaging, I opened it with a camera, but inside everything turned out to be intact) - plastic plugs on the screws do not quite match the color