- Everything came on time. The screen is good. They sit nicely on the hand. The strap is not tight. In the sun you can see well even at 60% brightness. I chose them because of the view and the ability to swim in them. Haven't tried waterproof yet. There is no microphone or speaker.

⌚ Discover the Advanced Features of Haylou RS3 LS04 Black Smart Watch Review

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Description of ⌚ Discover the Advanced Features of Haylou RS3 LS04 Black Smart Watch
- Multifunctional, clear, stylish, the strap is comfortable, holds a charge for a long time
- Was not . for the time being, for the time being
- Lightweight, well made. Pretty big screen.
- No "screen lock". Few dials.
- No
- The GPS signal finds it in 5-7 minutes in an open area. I didn't find it in the city at all. And even after finding the GPS showing incorrect data, I walked about 1800 meters on the GPS in the phone, and the watch showed 1300 meters. Steps without GPS also count incorrectly.
- They look quite nice. This is where all the advantages end.
- Terrible app experience. Losing connection constantly. The GPS sensor searches for satellites for 3-5 minutes. Vibration is very weak, messages appear with a long delay.