- Easy for users
- Works across multiple platforms/devices
- Great support team that answers questions quickly.
- Good response time during outages or issues

STOPware PassagePoint Review
Very good
Office, Visitor Management
Description of STOPware PassagePoint
PassagePoint EDU is a visitor management solution for K-12 schools and districts that allow visito signed in and given temporary badges to indicate their presence is authorized, school staff can be sure they have accurate information on child custodial issues.
- How simple yet efficient an application is for keeping records about those in your building that take breaks too long between classes which may cause issues such delaying other people getting back inside their classroom safely before dismissal bells ring; also helps identify possible trouble makers within staff members by knowing exactly were everyone went after taking breaks instead allowing unsupervised freedom all over campus while teachers try very hard working together toward common
- Simple to understand
- Easy for others in networked environment that want control over accessing resources, data sharing between devices..etc.
- Can even be used free trial period before purchasing product license key good thing is all licensing can easily transfer from computer system account back down again after your testing window expires :)
- It requires no experience with computers in order for anyone to be able to use it
- There might be too many options at times which can be overwhelming for some people