Crypto wallets

301 Review
Trust Wallet is an iOS (Open Source) and Android (Closed Source) wallet for Ethereum and other Ethereum-based tokens. The Trust Wallet keeps your private keys stored locally and features an open source and audited code. It also features a decentralized exchange provided by the Kyber Network (Q2 2018). At the 8th of February, Trust wallet team decided toβ¦
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201 Review
Blockchain Wallet is a hot type cryptoΡurrency wallet available for web and mobile. It runs on Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android and supports 3 cryptocurrencies. It also offers extra services such as an exchange.

177 Review
MetaMask is an easy-to-use Ethereum Browser with centralized validation, meaning that there is no need to download the blockchain but you can still get the same features as with the Mist wallet, such as interacting with Ethereum enabled websites. MetaMask requires no login and does not store your private keys in any server, instead they are stored onβ¦
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172 Review
Founded back in 2014, Coinomi is the oldest multi-asset wallet available, with millions of active users. Most importantly, no Coinomi wallet has ever been hacked or otherwise compromised to date. Coinomi is a security-first, multi-asset wallet for both mobile & desktop that provides native support and true ownership for as many as 125 blockchains (theβ¦
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132 Review
Exodus is a hot type cryptocurrency wallet available for the web. It runs on macOS, Windows, Linux and supports 93 cryptocurrencies. It also offers extra services such as an exchange.

131 Review
Monero Freewallet is an easy-to-use mobile wallet with a built-in cryptocurrency exchange. Free Wallet provides cold storage security for your XMR funds and is available for Android devices through Google Play and for iOS in the Apple App Store. Features: β’ Login with Email, Facebook, Google+ or mobile phone number;β’ Send XMR to almost any altcoinβ¦
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128 Review
Atomic is a decentralized multi-cryptocurrency wallet available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The wallet uses BitTorrent technology for distributed order book and atomic swap technology for cross-chain custody free exchange. Atomicwallet also features instant exchange options - Changelly and ShapeShift. Atomic supports more than 300 crypto-currenciesβ¦
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124 Review
Coinbase is one of the larger Bitcoin ecosystems offering a full service across wallets, exchanges to merchant payment software. The wallet advantage of this is that transactions can be done off the blockchain although this does detract from the main ethos of Bitcoin. Using Coinbase is a good experience but does mean you are trusting a third party withβ¦
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124 Review
MyEtherWallet is an open source, javascript, client-side tool for generating Ethererum Wallets & sending transactions. MyEtherWallet gives the ability to generate new wallets. This process happens entirely on the user computer, not their servers. Therefore, when you generate a new wallet, you are responsible for safely backing it up. It supports ERC20β¦
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121 Review
CoinSpace wallet is a hierarchical deterministic Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash wallet. The wallet generates a passphrase for you that you can use as your seed to generate the rest of your addresses. The important thing to remember is to memorise the phrase in full and write it down somewhere safe. If you lose the phrase you will not beβ¦
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102 Review
Uphold is a multi-currency wallet that enables anyone, anywhere to move, convert, hold and transact in any form of money or commodity instantly. Beside being a web wallet, Uphold is also supported on Android and iOS. Uphold supports 9 cryptocurrencies, 23 fiat currencies and 4 precious metals in their trading application.

87 Review
Trezor is a cold type cryptocurrency wallet available for web and mobile. It runs on Windows, Linux, macOS and supports 500+ cryptocurrencies. It does not offer extra services.

83 Review
Enjin is a hot type cryptocurrency wallet available for mobile devices. It runs on iOS, Android and supports 500+ cryptocurrencies. It also offers extra services such as an exchange.

83 Review
Guarda is a custody-free multiplatform cryptocurrency wallet with a user-friendly interface designed to store, manage, transfer and receive digital assets. Guarda Wallet currently supports over 40 most popular blockchains and thousands of their tokens (including BTC, BCH, BSV, ETH, ETC, XMR, ZEC, XRP, EOS, KIN, LTC, XLM, DASH and more). All theβ¦
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75 Review
Breadwallet is a bitcoin wallet. There is no server to get hacked or go down, so you can always access your money. Using SPV mode, bread wallet connects directly to the bitcoin network with the fast performance you need on a mobile device. Breadwallet support converting your bitcoin into bitcoin cash, ethereum, and a large number of ERC20 tokens. Inβ¦
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71 Review
Instant on: Your client does not download the blockchain. It uses a network of specialized servers that index the blockchain. Forgiving: Your wallet can be recovered from a secret seed. Safe: Your seed and private keys are encrypted on your hard drive. They are never sent to the servers. Low trust: Information received from the servers is verified usingβ¦
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62 Review
Ledger Nano S is a cold type cryptocurrency wallet available for the web. It runs on Windows, Linux, MacOS and supports 24 cryptocurrencies. It also available for the usage as a Google Chrome extension.

62 Review
Jaxx is a multi-currency wallet developed by Kryptokit. Wallet Philosophy: They never access or hold onto user funds. They offer a client-side security model, with private keys hosted locally and never sent to any servers. They are design-oriented, offering simple, attractive user interfaces and experiences They use standards that ensure that should theβ¦
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57 Review
Infinito Wallet is a multi-asset universal wallet. It offers an extending list of leading transactional cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Neo, and Dogecoin. It also enables access to leading smart contract blockchain tokens such as ETH ERC20, NEO NEP-5, and more to come on their roadmap. Infinito Wallet will alsoβ¦
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57 Review
Cryptonator Wallet is an online wallet that encrypts your user data online whilst giving you access to the funds they control on your behalf. The good bit about this wallet is that it is easy to use and gives you multiple cryptos at the loss of handing over control of your finds to another party. Anonymous & secure Your account is all about privacyβ¦
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