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The Perfect Fit - Tips for Choosing and Caring for Your Bo Nash IronSlide 2000 19x59 Ironing Board Cover

The Perfect Fit - Tips for Choosing and Caring for Your Bo Nash IronSlide 2000 19x59 Ironing Board Cover

How to choose the right size cover for your ironing board?

Choosing the correct size cover for your ironing board is important for efficiency and to prevent damage. An ill-fitting cover can slide around, make ironing difficult and even tear. Follow these tips to select the right size:

Measure Your Board

Ironing boards come in standard sizes like:

  • 54 x 13 inches
  • 54 x 14 inches
  • 54 x 15 inches

Use a tape measure to determine the length and width of the top surface of your ironing board. This will tell you what size cover you need. Measure carefully as even an inch difference in size can make the cover not fit properly.

Match the Shape

Covers are made to fit the distinctive shape of ironing board tops. Most are:

  • Rectangular - For standard rectangular ironing boards
  • Tapered - Fit boards that are wider at one end
  • Square - For square top boards

Choose a cover made specifically for the shape of your ironing board.

Consider Extra Length

It's a good idea to get a cover that is 2-3 inches longer than your actual board. The extra length helps keep the cover taut and prevents slipping. It also compensates for shrinkage over time.

Confirm Dimensions

Always check the stated dimensions of a cover before purchasing. Compare these to your measurements to ensure the cover will properly fit your ironing board.

With the right size cover, you'll get smooth ironing results and extended life from your ironing board. Taking careful measurements is the key to finding a cover that fits perfectly.

How to install a cover on an ironing board?

Installing a new cover on your ironing board is a quick and easy process. Follow these steps:

Remove the Old Cover

If replacing an existing cover, take it off the board first. Unfasten any drawstrings, elastic or clamp attachments. You may need to use scissors to cut through stitches.

Prepare the New Cover

Lay the new cover face down on a flat surface and smooth out any creases. Check that any fastening bands or drawstrings are extended out fully.

Position the Cover

Place your ironing board top-down onto the center of the new cover. Orient the cover so any tapered or shaped ends match the shape of the board.

Stretch and Wrap the Cover

  • At one end, pull the cover tightly across the end of the board and wrap it underneath.
  • Move to the opposite end and again pull tightly and wrap the fabric under the board.
  • Do the same for the sides, pulling the fabric tight as you tuck it under.

Secure the Cover

Use the fasteners to tightly secure the wrapped cover underneath the board:

  • For drawstrings, tie ends together tightly.
  • Clamp metal clamps down securely.
  • For elastic bands, stretch and hook ends over the board edge.

Smooth and Trim Excess

Run your hands over the edges to smooth any bumps or creases. Trim off any excess cover fabric hanging over the edges with scissors.

Test It Out

Do a test iron over the new cover to ensure it is taut and smooth. Make any adjustments needed to get a tight, wrinkle-free fit.

With the cover installed properly, you're ready for frustration-free ironing every time. Replace covers annually or whenever they become loose or damaged.

How to keep an ironing board cover taut and smooth?

A loose, wrinkled ironing board cover can make ironing a nightmare. Follow these tips to keep your cover tightly stretched for smooth results every time:

Use the Right Size Cover

An improperly sized cover won't fit right and will loosen over time. Be sure to:

  • Measure your board and buy the correct dimensions.
  • Allow 2-3 extra inches of cover length for a tight fit.

Attach Cover Securely

Securely fasten the cover underneath the ironing board with:

  • Tightly tied drawstrings
  • Tight clamps
  • Elastic bands pulled taut and hooked

Check it regularly to ensure it's still tight and adjust as needed.

Smooth Out Wrinkles

Run your hand over the cover surface and smooth out any creases or wrinkles. Use a warm iron to press over wrinkled spots and flatten them out.

Let Cover Cool Before Ironing

Allow the cover to cool fully between ironing sessions. Ironing on a hot cover can cause wrinkles or loosening.

Wash and Dry Thoroughly

Clean wrinkled covers using hot water and dry completely before reinstalling. Any moisture left in the fabric can cause wrinkling.

Replace Old Covers

Fabric will naturally loosen and stretch with age. Replace covers annually or sooner if sagging or wrinkling becomes an issue.

With proper installation and care, your ironing board cover should remain smooth as new. Follow these tips for frustration-free ironing every time.

How to clean an ironing board cover?

Regular cleaning keeps your ironing board cover looking fresh and ensures it glides smoothly during use. Follow these steps to clean it properly:

Remove the Cover

Unfasten the cover from the ironing board by removing any clamps, ties, elastic or stitching. Pull it off the board completely.

Shake Off Lint and Debris

Take the cover outside and shake it vigorously to remove any accumulated lint, fabric fibers or dirt.

Wash Separately

  • Wash the cover by itself to prevent pilling from other fabrics.
  • Use hot water and a mild detergent.

Avoid Chlorine Bleach

Skip the bleach to prevent discoloration. Opt for an oxygen-based whitening agent if needed.

Air Dry Thoroughly

Tumble dry low if needed, but air drying is best. Ensure cover is completely dry before reusing.

Check for Damage

Inspect cover for any tears, holes or loose stitching. Make repairs before reinstalling.

Iron On High Heat

Iron the cover at the highest setting to smooth out wrinkles and pre-shrink it.

Reinstall Properly

Securely fasten the cover on your ironing board, keeping it taut and wrinkle-free.

Clean your ironing board cover every 1-2 months for best results. With proper care, your cover will last many years!

How to store an ironing board cover?

Proper storage keeps your ironing board cover in good condition when not in use. Here are some tips:

Clean Before Storing

Wash and dry the cover thoroughly first. Dirt, lint and wrinkles can become set if stored for a long time.

Fold Smoothly

  • Lay the cover face down on a flat surface.
  • Fold it smoothly from one end to the other into a rectangular shape.

Hang Vertically

Hang the folded cover vertically on a hook or rod to prevent creasing.

Or Store Horizontally

  • Lay the folded cover flat in a drawer or shelf.
  • Place heavy books or other items on top to keep it smooth.

Use a Cover Bag

Place the folded cover inside a cloth bag or padded case for extra protection.

Avoid Moisture

Keep the cover in a dry area. Moisture can cause mildew growth.

Store Out of Direct Light

Light fading can damage the fabric over time. Keep it in a dark closet or cabinet.

Watch for Pests

Inspect regularly for any insect damage. Treat area to prevent moth larvae and carpet beetles.

Remind Yourself to Rotate

Write a note or set a reminder to take out and use the cover occasionally. Rotate seasonal covers as needed.

With proper storage methods, your quality ironing board cover will be ready to make ironing fast and easy when needed again.

How to repair minor damages or tears in a cover?

It's easy to fix minor rips, holes or fraying in your ironing board cover so you can continue using it smoothly. Here are some methods:

Assess the Damage

Inspect the cover closely. Small tears under 1 inch can often be repaired. But large rips or fabric deterioration will likely require cover replacement.

Clean the Area

Gently wash the damaged section in warm, soapy water. Let it fully air dry before repairing.

Frayed Edges

  • Carefully trim any loose threads with sharp scissors.
  • Apply a small bead of clear nail polish on the edge to prevent further unraveling.

Pinhole or Puncture

  • Place a small piece of iron-on patch on the underside of the hole.
  • Iron it for 30 seconds to seal the hole.

Small Tear

  • Apply a tiny amount of fabric glue along the tear.
  • Smooth the sides together, aligning fabric grain.
  • Allow glue to fully dry before using.

Loose Seams

  • Hand sew any separated seams with sturdy thread.
  • Use a tight whipstitch for best results.

Be sure to test the repaired area by ironing over it before reattaching the cover. Well-repaired spots should be nearly invisible and withstand heat and friction.

With some basic supplies and sewing skills, minor cover repairs can extend the useful life of your ironing board cover.

How To Choose The Right Size Of Ironing Board Cover For Your Ironing Board?

Choosing the right size of ironing board cover is essential to ensure that it fits your ironing board perfectly. Here are some steps to help you choose the right size of ironing board cover:

  1. Measure your ironing board: Measure the length and width of your ironing board to determine the size of the cover you need. You can also measure the depth of your board if you want a snug fit.
  2. Look for the size chart: Check the size chart of the ironing board cover you want to buy to see which size you need. Most covers come in standard sizes that fit most ironing boards.
  3. Choose the right material: Consider the material of the cover you want to buy. You can choose from metallic, non-slip, or cotton covers depending on your personal needs.
  4. Choose the right padding: Look for covers with heavy felt lining instead of foam padding if you want to avoid replacing your cover every year or so.
  5. Check the packaging: The size of the cover should be listed on the packaging. Match the size listed to your measurements.
  6. Consider the wrap-around: The size listed on the cover should match the measurements of the width and length of your board. The listed measurements should not include the wrap-around, which is excess.
  7. Take your measurements to the store: If you are going to attempt to purchase one at a department store, take your measurements and a drawing along with you.

What Are The Common Materials Used For Ironing Board Covers?

Ironing board covers are made from a variety of materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most common materials used for ironing board covers:

  1. Cotton: 100% unbleached cotton is a popular choice for ironing board covers. It is durable, heat-resistant, and provides a smooth surface for ironing. Cotton blends like cotton canvas are also a good option as they are slightly heavier and lay flat.
  2. Teflon: Teflon ironing board covers are also heat-resistant and provide a non-stick surface for faster ironing. They are also stain and water-resistant.
  3. Fleece: Fleece is a durable material that provides long-lasting protection. It is also heat-resistant and provides a smooth surface for ironing.
  4. Polyester: Polyester is a synthetic material that is durable and provides a soft touch. It is also heat-resistant and provides a smooth surface for ironing.
  5. Metallic: Metallic ironing board covers are made from a heat-reflective material that speeds up ironing time. They are also non-stick and provide a smooth surface for ironing.
  6. Non-slip: Non-slip ironing board covers are made from a material that provides extra grip to prevent clothes from slipping while ironing.
  7. Heat-resistant fabric: Heat-resistant fabric is a silver-grey fabric that is durable and heat-resistant. It is often used for potholders and oven mitts.

When choosing an ironing board cover, consider the material, durability, ease of maintenance, and affordability. Opt for a material that is heat-resistant, provides a smooth surface for ironing, and is easy to clean.

Are There Any Other Materials Besides Cotton And Teflon That Are Good For Ironing Board Covers?

Yes, there are other materials besides cotton and Teflon that are good for ironing board covers. Here are some other materials that are commonly used for ironing board covers:

  1. Felt: Felt is a durable and heat-resistant material that provides a smooth surface for ironing. It is also non-slip, which helps to keep clothes in place while ironing.
  2. Polyester: Polyester is a synthetic material that is durable and provides a soft touch. It is also heat-resistant and provides a smooth surface for ironing.
  3. Metallic: Metallic ironing board covers are made from a heat-reflective material that speeds up ironing time. They are also non-stick and provide a smooth surface for ironing.
  4. Non-slip: Non-slip ironing board covers are made from a material that provides extra grip to prevent clothes from slipping while ironing.
  5. Heat-resistant fabric: Heat-resistant fabric is a silver-grey fabric that is durable but not stiff and is often used for potholders and oven mitts.

When choosing an ironing board cover, consider the material, durability, ease of maintenance, and affordability. Opt for a material that is heat-resistant, provides a smooth surface for ironing, and is easy to clean.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Wool Ironing Board Cover?

Wool ironing board covers are becoming increasingly popular among quilters and sewers. Here are some benefits of using a wool ironing board cover:

  1. Heat retention: Wool is an excellent insulator, which means it absorbs heat and then quickly releases it. This helps to retain heat for double-sided, efficient pressing and energy savings.
  2. Non-slip surface: The fuzzy texture of wool helps grip your fabric in place, which prevents it from slipping around while ironing.
  3. Faster ironing time: Wool is a dense fiber that helps to evenly distribute the heat from your iron, ensuring that your fabric is pressed evenly across the entire surface. This results in a neater press with fewer wrinkles, which can cut ironing time in half.
  4. Durability: Wool is a durable material that can withstand high temperatures and frequent use. It is also easy to clean and maintain.
  5. Portability: Wool ironing board covers are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for sewing days or retreats.
  6. Grips fabric in place: The fuzzy texture of wool helps grip your fabric in place, which prevents it from slipping around while ironing.
  7. No need for sprays: Wool actually absorbs moisture from the air as heat is applied, which means that steam or other sprays are unnecessary.

Overall, wool ironing board covers are a great investment for anyone who wants to improve their ironing experience. They are durable, heat-resistant, and provide a non-slip surface for faster and more efficient ironing.

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