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maker logo

Maker MKR is the proprietary token for Maker, and it is backed by Ether rather than fiat currency. This is the basis of a simple banking system built on blockchain technology that allows for simpler international payments and peer-to-peer transfers.See full review

bitcoin gold logo

Bitcoin Gold hopes to change the paradigm around mining on the Bitcoin blockchain. According to the founders, the Bitcoin blockchain has become too centralized. Large companies with huge banks of mining computers now mine the vast majority of Bitcoin. For the founders of Bitcoin Gold, having large companies control the Bitcoin network defeats the purpose of a decentralized ledger and peer-to-peer currencies.See full review

vechain logo

And VeChain is the world's leading Enterprise-focused platform for products and information .I Trust that it can achieve its goal within short period of time.Because it is most powerful and reliable project in the markete. I hope it will cross $$ dollars withins few years.See full review

binance coin logo

Binance is most secure trading site so all its coins are safe weather you are trading or not you are in safe trading plateform it has developed different plateform softwares that is most important step in field of trading.every device can trade or open orders with thies binace app. See full review

cardano logo

I really like Cardano and I hope cardano will be no 1 on exchanges. Great potential project.See full review

poloniex logo

I Support Revain to be listed on Poloniex this one will be the most valueable step.I hope Revain will bring a bright Future in the world.See full review

Waqar Ahmed photo

Waqar AhmedA.

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6 Review
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Joined in August 08, 2018