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Coinomi wallet, is a wallet that is very lightweight, easy to use. and also has a multisig wallet feature that makes it easy to retrieve multiple addresses in one address. almost 1 year I use coinomi wallet, it feels very comfortable, there is no need to be buried anymore, like trust wallet, I use both, because it makes it easy for me to use the wallet. Coinomi was re-established in 2014, besides, it is the oldest multi-asset wallet ever, wow !! Supports thousands of assets, because users canSee full review

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Is the best wallet

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Trust wallet, is a wallet that is very easy and lightweight to move, besides that trust wallet is also a multichain wallet so it is very easy to use, even though it is synchronous (sometimes it has to refresh manually) but I really like this multichain wallet, very good to use he also partnered with binance dex making it easier for me to exchange binance dex coins using trust wallet, and dapps are very good to use even today, trust wallet also has its own bep2-based token, hopefully it can beSee full review

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Faisal SaputraS.

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Joined in April 29, 2020