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daltons business logo

We have people who want to acquire a particular business or a particular franchise to use as a starting point, an end to a means or just fir beginning purposes in order to get a feel on how a business is being run and operated or are you a business owner and due to the recent dip in business, customers, revenues, stocks and income, decide to sell the business where as maximum profit could be earned from it being sold instead of waiting for that extra year or two in the future and it has completSee full review

toft touch soaps logo

Toft Touch Soaps deal with hand made organic soap from goat milk taking care of our bodies, the first time I heard of it I was like what? Goat milk? Attractive? Like seriously? Oh well, might as well try it, which I did and my next reaction after being left speechless by how it left me was whoa is this seriously real? It left me shocked, dazed and baffled, fun all making me blame myself for not seeing this product early and that the product was not advertised to me also it left me annoyed. But See full review

scents booth logo

The only thing a man or a woman would never ever mess around with is the fragrance they are putting off, whether it be for a simple outing or it be for a job interview or it be for daily job meetings or it be for a date the fragrance a person puts on tells a lot of how much they take time into caring for their skin and other body effect and thanks to scent booth, individuals looking for something to spice up their wardrobe have a little incentive in their approach, different scents for dates to See full review

Shallom Adegbemi photo

Shallom AdegbemiA.

Novice Writer
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3 Review
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I love typing reviews

Joined in June 23, 2021