HBTC exchange, which is one of the best cryptocurrency exchanges, is my favorite cryptocurrency exchange both in terms of the features it contains and because of the cryptocurrencies, transaction fees, money transfer fees, cryptocurrency types and many features contained in it.
HTBC is the exchange where I have been trading and trading for a very long time and have many cryptocurrency investments. You can trade with dozens of types of cryptocurrencies. The most important feature of the stock market is that the trading volume is high in my opinion and the liquidity rate it provides in the futures section, they also charge a very low trading fee as a trading fee, so the trading fees in both spot and futures are very small and this is a feature that is not in many exchanges.
In particular, the HTBC exchange listed most of the types of DeFi, trc-20, erc-20 and altcoin and allowed users to trade both in futures and in many types of transactions such as spot, trade margin, swap, which is the most common exchange I use when buying HBTC, altcoin and DeFi cryptocurrencies.
In addition, HBC, the currency of the HBTC exchange currency, has a very nice infrastructure and wants to use many altcoins in the system they have brought with HBC, so the blockchain system works very well and very well, while also aiming to incorporate new altcoins. This tells us that HBC could go much higher.
The HBTC exchange is a stock exchange that works really well both in terms of trading volume and in terms of many trading categories such as spot, futures, margin, swap, and I think the infrastructure system is very robust.
I have been trading on the HBTC exchange for a long time and have had no problems with my transactions, especially in the futures section, in addition to these, I have not had any problems with issues such as deposits and withdrawals so far. The payment systems are fine and although I have been using it for almost 2 years and have deposited and withdrawn money 1000 times, I have had no problems. Because payments are blockchain-based and are registered directly on the blockchain, your transactions are faster and your money transfers are kept registered on the blockchain.
Also my favorite thing about it is that most altcoins are listed on the stock exchange and DeFi currencies are also traded without any problems. I have been using the stock market for 2 years and have had no problems, especially in my trading with DeFi currencies.
In summary, I use the HBTC exchange for 2 years and have made thousands of trades, so far I have not had any problems and I love the features inside the HBTC exchange. I would definitely recommend using and trading the HBTC exchange.