Bitz is very good Crypto Trading exchange amongst the top performing crypto exchange. We usually have witness lot.of exchanges get launched everyday but their lack of liquidation and support let them shut down operations and hence we can our assets overnight. Thus, it is very important to note down features that exchange has offered to make it best place for everyone to trade.
Bitz exchange has been very popular since it launch in 2016. Extremely well graphically built with easy to use web interface gained my attention yo easily shift between features. Professionsl Digitsl assets and over the counter Trading makes it a specail place for trading for high range and Trade Volume. Fiat trading option is missing but I expect them to introduce Fiat pairs to trade for easy exchanges. Low 0.10 fees for both buy and sell trades which is very competitive. Super Margin account facility let you trade with margin as well.
Very Good working Mobile App with all the features of storing and trading and customer support is expereinced and desperate to make sure you dont have to suffer with trading and other exchange related issues. Exchange has very good Volume for top performing coins like Btc Eth UNI & YFI and that is why it has been popular for providing liquidation for easy execution of trades. Security is of top using methods with Facility of using Login with Mobile OTP and google Authenticator.
I see potential of adding more features like buying crypto with Card and fiat trading pairs but still Exchange is good enough to provide everything a Trader requires.