Cointiger is a centralized exchange platform and it is among the most marketable centralized exchanges.Since founded on 15 Nov 2017, CoinTiger is a unified trade situated at 2 Venture Drive in Singapore. It upholds Cryptocurrency storage and withdrawals.
CoinTiger professes to be the first crypto trade to present a value component with its local TigerCash token. It has purportedly distributed half of its FY2018 yearly net benefit to TCH holders at the proportion of 100 TCHs: 0.554BitCNY during March 2019. Since its dispatch in November 2017, CoinTiger has iterated on its foundation and presently it can be accessible on the web, iOS, Android applications, and trade administrations (for example digital currency exchanging, Ticker Capital, Labs, IEO Project Voting program). In mid 2019, CoinTiger clients apparently remained at 2 million across 100 nations in Asia, North America, Africa, and Europe.
I recommend cointiger because of its reliable and convenient trading services for users and its multi currency trading services.