experienceAs crypto is becoming the other of the day in our every day transaction, the need for a better exchange and wallet has become a major issue faced by both professional and beginners especially. But when choosing be sure you choose the one that choose your needs, in terms of transaction fees, withdrawal, deposit methods and features for
Exolic exchange is of a kind exchange, it was launched from Estonia in 2018. The exchange itself dropped it characteristics on the website which include anonymity, fast and secured, limitless, responsive support team and fixed
These features attracted me and the anonymous part was what attracted me most. They don't ask for your personal data before you can trade. It also has some affiliated programs, which include the API and referral links and banners. The users can earn rewards in form of BTC when their referral links and banners are being clicked on, and you can earn from your referred
The exchange a good trading view, having everything you need. But the trading fee is high to me personally 1.9% and the high withdrawal charge as well, and also the deposits methods which they made only crypto deposits has been a big downside for me as well. But not withstanding, the allow users from all over the world including the US. It is a good exchange to try