Kraken is a cryptocurrency exchange launched in 2011 accepted in more than 120 countries.
It has a wide variety of pairs available on the platform and among the available cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar, Litecoin, among other important cryptocurrencies.
Among the payment methods they accept Electronic transfers and cryptocurrencies as well as the same options for withdrawal options.
Kraken Exchange allows its users to trade Fiat money in USD, JPY, CAD, GBN and EUR. This exchange has the highest trading volume in EUR compared to all other exchanges.
The Kraken exchange has never been hacked, it keeps most of its currencies offline and it also offers double factor authentication, which keeps the exchange with excellent security that maintains trust for its users.
Commissions at Kraken are among the lowest on the market. Trading commissions are between 0% and 0.26%. It will depend on whether the user sells or buys.