For Business
Reviews help businesses learn and discover new ideas. As a review platform, we want to help companies to grow and create better products. This section of our blog is dedicated to insights, studies, tips, and explainers.

How to describe your company on the web: Revain examples
How to describe your company on the web: Revain examples Let’s start by admitting the unpleasant but also the obvious truth - there is no ideal way…
January 20, 2022

Simple rules for higher conversion rate
Getting new customers is not easy. As e-commerce grows, the competition is getting harder and the costs of getting new customers are rising.The…
November 10, 2021

What consumers want to know about you
Every brand has its own unique story. And every brand tells this story in its own unique way. Some companies focus on their core values, others…
October 28, 2021

How companies become transparent
A modern business needs to be transparent. This is the idea that you hear everywhere. It sounds reasonable and interesting.But what does it actually…
October 11, 2021

The Proven Methods for Building Trust in the Financial Services
Trust has always been an essential instrument in business and in everyday life. Many business owners have transformed their enterprises with the…
March 10, 2021

Build trust in your brand: 5 sins and 5 virues
Every relationship needs to be built on trust, and the brand-customer relationship is not an exception. Ignoring this fact can be detrimental to a…
January 18, 2021

Revain’s Complete Guide to Using Reviews Well
Reviews can be a very important tool for companies to increase their sales. User reviews showcase the companies’ performance and quality of service…
January 13, 2021