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Review on Bitcoin Cash by Albert Smith

Revainrating 3 out of 5

bitcoin blockchain

The technology of this digital currency is very similar to Bitcoin, and the total number of bitcoin cash available, like Bitcoin, is 21 million units. As mentioned, Bitcoin Cash is similar in many ways to Bitcoin's digital currency, and is actually a Hard Fork from the Bitcoin network.
This digital currency runs on a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that consists of thousands of computers or nodes around the world. In this way, anyone in the world can send bitcoins (BCH) to anyone in the other corner of the world without the need for any intermediaries. In fact, the backbone of Bitcoin Cash is the people who empower this network despite themselves, not the banks or the governments!
Bitcoin Cash, abbreviated BCH, is well-known in the digital currency market, has high security, and uses encryption to prevent any hacking, fraud, and cyberattacks. The currency has an open source structured password and its network codes are available to the public.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 3
In my update, I want to change the ranking of this currency. This currency has long been one of the top 5 currencies in terms of market cap, but currently Bitcoin cash is not even in the top 10 and the current BCH rank is 12th.
This is one of the most successful bitcoin hard forks, and this downgrade can make it very worthless in the long run.

  • Having a secure structure due to the use of encryption in transactions
  • Because Bitcoin Cash has just hit the market for a few years, investors still don't have full confidence in investing in this digital currency.

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