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Review on Bitcoin by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 5 out of 5

It's time to really own our money, bitcoin allows us to free ourselves from…

It's time to really own our money, bitcoin allows us to free ourselves from monopolized chains by banks

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Currently Bitcoin has some problems related to the speed of transaction processing, so far there is no consensus regarding it, on the other hand we have Lightning Network as an escape but does not solve the problem of scalability.
But it continues to be the main cryptocurrency, on which the prices of the different allcoins depend.
It is still the most widely used cryptocurrency in the world.
I consider that most of the problems are related to the possible updates that the main chain needs, that until now nothing has been done formally or the community is very divided in this matter, even so it will remain one of the most important digital assets.

Updated 5 years ago
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The biggest problem with Bitcoin is buying them in exchanges, it is too expensive at the time of withdrawing our BTC so many choose other currencies, that is one of the biggest problems I had when using this cryptocurrency .. It should be cheaper to move Bitcoin .
However, this is still one of the best options for saving capital in crypto assets, taking into account the cryptocurrency market so volatile its price remains highly competitive as an investment compared to traditional ones.
- It is still a perfect option to break geographic and economic barriers. And I say this based on the economic condition of my country, it is possible to affirm that now more Bitcoin is used than in another part of the world and this is really exciting for BTC fans.

Updated 5 years ago
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Currently it has been halved per extracted block. The expectation that is had at the moment most of the people expect that an exponential growth of its price exists, nevertheless I consider that this will not happen:
-Current global economic crisis.
-Reduction of capital since people who had money saved in BTC have been spending it.
An important aspect is that this whole coronavirus issue has led us to raise the way in which we interact with people, a new economic crisis is looming and according to many BTC investors has shown real strength as a long-term investment asset, today Those who called this cryptocurrency a scam are investing in the blockchain great advances this market has had in the last year: Most importantly, more Bitcoin is used today.

Updated 4 years ago
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The main aspect to consider is that currently more companies and venture capital institutions are buying bitcoin, especially due to the current state of the dollar and the US economy. Thus, it is no longer a speculative Cryptocurrency as more companies begin to understand its value and give it its respective place in the world economy. Personally, I affirm that "Bitcoin is here to stay" is no longer marked as an asset for investment and savings that is not sought to be liquidated in the short term.
Ultimately, Bitcoin changed the way money was conceived and in 2020 all digital services were given more value.
-It is an investment asset, it can be called digital gold but with better performance than Gold.
-You can send money anywhere in the world or receive, that is, there is no one to limit transactions. No government.
-Best of all, no matter where you are, you can always save. The dollar is having its worst year and 2021 may be worse so it is time to use bitcoin.
Personally I live in one of the countries with the highest inflation in the world and this cryptocurrency has become the main asset to save for many, in addition to international restrictions it is not possible to access traditional markets, so in every way we are limited there is where BTC turns out to be a solution.
Venezuela is one of the countries where cryptocurrencies are most used and has resulted in a clear solution for many of the evils that fiat money means, (the one issued by banks and governments). It is easier to save in Bitcoin than in the local currency that loses its value every day.
My personal recommendation is that if you live in a country with a stable currency that is not easily devalued, use the amount that you allow yourself to lose to save in bitcoin. Do not get carried away by feelings, this cryptocurrency is based on trust so its value is highly volatile so you can lose all your money if it goes down. You must be aware of it!
Something you must understand at this point is that you will not become a millionaire overnight, those times have passed you must be totally focused. Before investing in anything, keep in mind the following: Read and educate yourself! Do not stay with what appears in the news or social networks, learn about BTC and other cryptocurrencies, how they work, because it has value.
2020 has been one of the best years for cryptocurrencies and bitcoin specifically because they went from being an asset of speculation to attracting the attention of central banks and new standards to accept them in the economy. In research and different media that large companies have invested more than 10 billion dollars in BTC, which indicates that there are more and more interested institutions, the most popular company so far is MicroStrategy, which has invested almost 30% of its capitalization in BTC this information is verifiable.
But not everything is positive, remember that there are old school people who claim that it is a bubble. However, many of these people have changed their minds and it seems incredible they decided to invest in this famous cryptocurrency.
The time for Bitcoin has come. BTC, More precious than cash and GOLD !.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed

Since my last update many things have changed, apparently bitcoin is stronger today although international markets remain reluctant to accept it as a global modena, a matter that is really interesting since it is easier to send money anywhere in the world.

Some countries like El Salvador have made it legal tender in their country.

The owner of tesla Elon Musk, created a kind of bubble in the price of this cryptocurrency which made many buy and of course it increased in value, which indicates that these markets are still easy to control due to the emotions created around An individual.

In general, there is still a lot to grow and learn about cryptocurrencies and how they work. Some believe that bitcoin mining actually represents a high volume of carbon emissions. Put it in context the current banking system represents a larger amount of energy consumption than mining as we know it today. However, it is important to note that changes must be made so that it is truly sustainable and can coexist over time, as I have mentioned, Bitcoin is the currency of the future. or at least that's what it represents.

  • precursor of all the crocodomonedas, for this reason can have large price increases and make us win and even the best way to save. without having to go to a bank
  • I believe that the commissions for the removal and shipping are very expensive

Comments (14)

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November 25, 2020
You are absolutely right, if we pay attention to where and how we trade bitcoin, we can get a very good result. Only in this way can we be successful. This is the only way. We should take care to do this more.
November 23, 2020
Thanks for this nice and explanatory information. Nowadays bitcoin is still up, whether these prices are suitable for the investment or I should wait a little confused. I think I will wait a little longer, there are different opinions.
November 22, 2020
Thank you very much for this information, I will be able to make better investments. It's so nice that you help a lot of people. It's nice that you helped a lot of people. I was a unit I loved and needed information. :))))))
November 21, 2020
In my opinions, bitcoin isn't good for the world. Because criminal world has hide their dirty money. And in the future we will see bitcoin's losses. But now bitcoin is good enough for the money evolution.
November 14, 2020
Thanks for this nice evaluation. I was very confused about bitcoin. this article helped me better understand the events. I don't think bitcoin should scare these people in very sharp falls right now
November 07, 2020
Thank you for these interesting reading materials about bitcoin.Yeah you are right that we can talk a lot about btc price fluctuations due to crisis.This is the excellent review about btc.
November 02, 2020
Analysts do not view the fluctuations in bitcoin's price as good, they say that the price of bitcoin has swelled too much and will experience a very sharp price drop. But people still buy bitcoins. I don't know what to do yet
November 02, 2020
The BTC is one and only needed crypto. It is dominance is obvious. The crypto space is fragmented and adoption is suffering. If we will focus on the BTC there will be higher adoption among small retail investors and users.
October 25, 2020
precursor of all the crocodomonedas, for this reason can have large price increases and make us win and even the best way to save. without having to go to a bank. An important aspect is that this whole coronavirus issue has led us to raise the way in which we interact with people, a new economic crisis is looming and according to many BTC investors has shown real strength as a long-term investment asset, today Those who called this cryptocurrency a scam are investing in the blockchain great advances this market has had in the last year: Most importantly, more Bitcoin is used today.
August 08, 2020
This was indeed a well presented review. From reading through, your review is as a result of experience and long term trading of bitcoin. This will encourage a newbie like me to put more effort in trading crypto and most especially bitcoin

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