BitShares is a decentralized trading platform for trading cryptocurrency without leaving the blockchain.
Without a trusted third party, fast and capable of evolving with use, BitShares is a decentralized exchange platform aiming to shake up habits; the way we currently buy and sell cryptocurrencies. In addition to forcing users to convert to fiat currencieshsteSto stabilize their investments, BitShares has created a blockchain-based trading platform.
The traditional way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies on a platform is to convert your fiat coins. This means that every time you want to buy or sell cryptocurrency, you lose the anonymity inherent in the cryptocurrency and blockchain platform. While centralization is understandable, there is also the need for a more decentralized and anonymous system, and this that's where BitShares comes in.
The BitShares blockchain platform allows users to convert their cryptocurrencies to stable assets by converting these coins to another cryptocurrency whose value is tied to a real asset