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16 Karma

Review on Cardano by Ivna Goel

Revainrating 4 out of 5

IOHK most trusted brand developed cardano, cardano have a great and extended…

IOHK most trusted brand developed cardano, cardano have a great and extended team, cardano have a large community, but no single decentralized application runs on Cardano's blockchain


Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Cardano team is very active and careful about project but their announcement for shelly is postponded every time and didn't declare about that.


  • Cardano is exceptional cryptocurrency, so many advisors recommend cardano, IOHK developed cardano in 2015 according to smartereum.com cardano will be 10$ after five years later, so many people belives cardano product, anyone can create the smart contract on Cardano's blockchain
  • no single smart contract runs on the Cardano's blockchain, cardano says from may 2018 on Cardano's blockchain so many decentralized application runs but still not single decentralized application runs on the Cardano's blockchain

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