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Review on Cardano by RODRIGO REIS

Revainrating 5 out of 5

If you believe in the potential of cryptocurrencies and the disruptiveโ€ฆ

If you believe in the potential of cryptocurrencies and the disruptive technology of the blockchain, there is no doubt that Cardano needs to be on your radar. I believe the Cardano`s price is going to the moon


Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Among the great innovations in the Cardano Project, the main one is the change presented by the Goguen phase - implementation of smart contracts in which users can create and execute smart contracts. Another new feature is the creation and development of Plutus - platform that reconciles the strengths from functional programming to intelligent platform contracts.
Integrating Plutus with smart contracts will simplify coding and execution, which will allow you to use only one programming language (Marlowe) inside and outside the chain.
The improvements continue to be implemented, which demonstrates the strength and focus of the team in providing a better product to the market. High expectations in the coming months regarding Ada Crypto currency


  • Cardano (ADA currency) is the third-generation open source project for crypto-coins. Bitcoin marked the first generation, Ethereum scored the second, and Cardano will be the third generation. The project has a strong team of researchers, scientists, engineers, developers, as well as big names already known in the market, such as Charles Hoskinson, co-inventor and former president of Ethereum. Cardano is more than just a cryptocurrency, however, it is a technological platform that will be capable of running financial applications currently used every day by individuals, organizations and governments all around the world. The team responsible for these blockchain implementations within Cardano is the IOHK company, which has been several times cited by Forbes magazine. One of the main characteristics of Cardano is its interoperability proposal, which aims to allow a direct connection between cryptomoedas and financial institutions, ensuring compliance and KYC (Know Your Customer). The Cardano project is being built already prepared for this new era, through a quantum resistant system, that is, that can not be broken even with quantum supercomputers. To ensure the long-term sustainability of the currency, part of the fees captured in transactions carried out on the Cardano network will go to a treasury, with the purpose of serving as a reserve of value to allow future investments in new implementations or disclosures of the project. The use of this fund will be voted by the entire community, opting for the best use of resources. At the moment, the ADA currency occupies Market Rank 9
  • Daedalus is a highly secure wallet for the Ada cryptocurrency; But Daedalus is not available for ios and Android.

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