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Review on Energi by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Energi innovation

Energi is a cryptocurrency born to improve ecalability and self financing. In addition to having improvements in the network compared to its predecessors.
One of the most notable of energi is that it was launched without ICO or prior mining, in its entirety it was launched from scratch, thus avoiding inconveniences in the distribution of funds.
Currently, not all members of this project are available on their official website.
Among its improvements is a new consensus and mining protocol that will support smart contracts compatible with ETH.
People who only use Linux to store their assets are unfortunate that only their wallet version is compatible with Ububuntu.
It is currently not compatible with any physical wallet.

In general this is a new and innovative project that has been developed from scratch with some Dash features and soon in its new version with ETH features, they make it bold and in turn a high-risk cryptocurrency. Even in development and many of the features are often modified due to its development and test cryptocurrency character.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 5
His 3.0 chain was recently released.
-Nodes can now be maintained with 1000 NRGs a considerable reduction, making a more decentralized network possible to verify each block.
-Supports etherium-style smart contracts in addition to Dapps.
-There is a lot of documentation on migration on their website.
In general, this project takes an important step since it not only offers a more decentralized network but also the unification of smart contracts and the best is still a self-financed project that does not need an ICO. the only thing i don't like for now is wallet compatibility as there are no compatible mobile wallets.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
It currently has security issues related to block verification related to its new chain.
What I like least currently is that to make a deposit it is necessary to wait 5000 confirmations almost a week to corroborate that our deposit is really effective, I still trust this project and consider that problems like this will soon be solved.

  • Project self-financing.
  • There is a lot of information on the net about this project.
  • Available in multiple languages.
  • Highly scalable
  • Cheap transactions
  • Highly private in transactions
  • Low energy consumption in the mining of this asset.
  • By betting your NRG you can earn interest.  
  • It has great competition.
  • It is listed in few exchanges.
  • It does not have mass adoption.
  • NOT compatible with some popular mobile wallets
  • No storage availability with physical wallets.  

Comments (1)

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December 29, 2019
In general it is a good project with a great vision that will cost despite the difficulties with the regulation of some digital currencies