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Review on Ethereum by Joshua Dimeji

Revainrating 4 out of 5

My review on Ethereum coin

Ethereum, short name ETH can be considered as the second growing crypto-currency aside Bitcoin. It's a good investment to venture into when you talk about crypto-currency investment. Ethereum also support decentralized projects such as forsage and million money which are crowdfunding projects.
Although, I really don't know when and how Ethereum project came in place but I believe it really came out as a successful project.
Aside the positive sides of reviewing this project, there is also the negative side.
The transaction fee also called gas price for Ethereum transfer is getting too high. Although this is caused by the high rate of transaction mined at the pool by miners. As many transactions are being made, miners get to process transactions with high fees because the fees go to them, and so transactions with low fee have to wait long in the waiting pool before they are processed.

  • Ethereum is a fast growing crypto-currency. A really nice coin to invest in
  • Gas price which is the transaction fee is somehow high due to many transaction

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