FintruX Network (FTX), is based on a project that brings to the business world a variety of services based on financing, payment system, commercial identity and financial and credit solutions, this ensures that companies can choose to integrate into its structure, services based on blockchain technology, which create a reliable, intelligent, stable and secure system in enterprises. FintruX Network, has developed a good ecosystem, which integrates mobile application platforms developed to provide services and allow users to have easy access to the solutions provided by the project, these applications are of good compatibility with various mobile devices, are developed to support cryptography on the platform, thus facilitating the management of finances, likewise ensure good business transactions and with ample security. The ecosystem has developed the native token FintruX Network (FTX), which guarantees access to services, perform transactions on the platform, boost investments and even operate in the popular decentralized exchanges, FintruX Network (FTX), is a token compatible with applications developed for the ecosystem and is a token to receive rewards for participating in the referral system.