My first interaction with the New Kind of Network project happened two days back while surfing the internet and Coinmarket cap where I discovered a hidden gem of a Crypto project that offers although, what many crypto projects offers, but also increases the limits other same performing project does. Why I liked the project was it's services that it opens for use, now, me being an Android phone user, I was able to dig deep into the Project and it's useful nature but at the same time, I feel it's limit of being only on the Android platform should be expanded to accommodate users of a different device. Now, after installing it's mobile application, I saw that the project, just like many Privacy focused project involved in encrypted messaging, New Kind of Network offers the same via it's broadband service called nMobile which acts very much like our everyday WhatsApp application, that means it can be used to send encrypted message and share files with a user of the platform easily, and this is exactly what made it different from other Crypto and blockchain powered encrypted messaging projects I have reviewed before now. To stand for it's security is it's encryption but for it's privacy, NKN hides users IP addresses from public view, meaning anyone who wants to access a platform can easily do so without fear of who is watching his location. It's a remarkable project and I really recommend it's use