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Review on OMG Network by rajat manak

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Overall omisego is preferred for the financial projects. Also, omisego is…

Overall omisego is preferred for the financial projects. Also, omisego is listed on all big exchanges so big traders are easily buy or trade with omisego and with omisego wallet we can store multiple cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Omisego cryptocurrency project has great pottential and many big cryptocurrency owners like Vitalik Buterin also worked on Omisego project,.

  • Omisego is the financial technology which is based on the ethereum network. also, omisego is the trusted and experienced project which starts in 2013. also, omisgo wallet supports multi-cryptocurrencies and fiat currency both. omisego also launching exchange and the omisego exchange main aim is providing superfast transaction with all cryptocurrencies. Omisego is already listed on big exchanges like binance so people can trade easily.
  • Some minor cons like without view key we will not see the transaction so government always forced to reveal view keys, which will destroy the main purpose of the OMG project. Also, Omisego is the ERC20 token therefore for any transaction of omisego we will need some amount of ethereum as a fee for the transaction.

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