This item came short two bags. It states clearly on the website that it is a package of 100 bags, but it only had 98 bags in the order. I saw a few other reviews where other customers were also shorted bags by this seller. This seems to be a standard practice for this vendor. Keep in mind that enough people have written reviews that this has happened to them where the seller could easily remedy the situation but has chosen not to do so. Expect to be shorted a few bags.The bags themselves are thin, and the adhesive strip looks OK, not high-quality. Several of the bags had the white finish scratched off in places. The bags are good enough, not great. These poly-mailer bags were the best deal at the time for the 7.5x10.5 size. Quality is on the low end. You get what you pay for.**************The same day that I left this review, I contacted the vendor about the order being short by 2 bags, and they responded quickly, and respectfully. They refunded my account immediately for the 2 missing bags. For this I am changing my review from the original 3 stars to 4.
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