A decent, SHARP functioning lens that can be used for the everyday shooting of a variety of scenes without any creative embellishments or twists. Does not produce soap, and focuses very rapidly and precisely. There is bokeh when using a focal length of 105, and it appears to be quite good. It is inferior than the 24-70mm lens that is already with the camera (just in my opinion). If 24-70 may be compared in the photo (also IMHO), with fixes from a hole 2.8 (not L of course), then this one still falls short of what it should be able to do. However, the focal range for a full matrix is still more in demand than 24-70, despite the popularity of 24-70. In my opinion, this lens is nothing more than the standard lens that comes with the 5D. You can't call it creative because of the aperture of 4.0, but it is still an elka, which means that it outperforms the majority of regular zooms in terms of quality. Because of this, it is ideal for an enthusiastic beginner who is interested in REPORTAGE photography or as the only lens. As the saying goes, the trunk does not leave without permission, and in general nobody has anything negative to say about the level of performance! It is up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe that it is worth the money. In my opinion, the proverb describes him perfectly: despite the abundance of options, there is no other choice but zooms. The majority of people, while searching for a new lens, forget what it is that they really want, which is either to improve the picture or to purchase a lens that is BIG and EFFICIENT in order to replace a whale or a regular teammate. If it weren't for reporting, I'd suggest adding 5000r. and taking the following lenses instead: EF 35 2.0, EF 85 1.8, and EF 100 2.0. With the 100th, you have the option to wait a little longer (if your finances are really noisy) and take a little later 135 2.0 - the perfect photo for reasonable funds! This is the point at which the soul will complete its journey.