I bought it a few months ago but since I don't have a heated garage I had to wait for the weather to improve to install it. Installed just fine and solved my problem with the ABS and traction control lights on the dash. The only snag I encountered was that the butt joints that came with the harness didn't hold the wires for some reason. I have butt connectors and other connectors in my desktop organizer drawer so I just used my own. I found the clamps were perfectly positioned behind the wheel and gave enough play to turn but were difficult to get into the holes. This is normal, it just means they won't fall out. I roughed out the holes with a 1/4" drill bit and that seemed to help, but still very tight. Spin the wheel back and forth and drove through the bumps that usually set off warnings on the dash and nothing happened. When would it have solved my problem.I just recommend using different butt joints.