Hi everyone. I received the package in good conditions, found in the box a few oil drops but gave them not much atttention since its ussual that these type of systems get some of their components covered in an oil coat to avoid rust.maybe it was the case. After unpacking I proceed to intall it as the manufacturer recommendations. Once the product was in place, I noticed that it began dripping oil on the gearbox and front cover joint. It has a seal between these 2 parts (which they call Cushion Board in the manual), but seems like its not doing its job propperly. I tried to fix this by tightening the screws between the box and its cover but it didn't help at all. Now I will have to open it to check on the condition of the seal and maybe replace it with a hand-made one. Another thing to point out is that some screws from the packing list were not included. this is not a big issue since I could easily get them in a hardware store but still maybe something you could find important from a product review.