Maybe they are inferior to others in terms of spaciousness, but not me. I can slip a 70m rope (coiled) into a pair of boots, my harness and my rack and soon the zipper will snap. So basically I have to take helmet and shoes separately. I like the design of the camping rope bag because it has a lot of external clips for extra gear, which this bag lacks. I yanked the zipper. Part of me likes to put the backpack on my back and open it up so the part that's against my back doesn't end up in the mud. But the way I load it, I usually have most of the trunk on my back when I carry it since it's the last one to go in. So good and bad. I love the built in rope ceiling. Most shoulder straps are lightweight rather than padded, but that doesn't mean I carry that much weight there. It seems to be built really well. Only a few liters and a few bells and whistles were missing.
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