I used this as part of my smart car project connected to Arduino via I2C. That works great! It offers a clear, easy-to-read display, even under the Texas sun! You can also find ready-made Arduino libraries for various boards including original Arduino and ESP32 boards. For the price I wouldn't mind having a few of these in my drawer just for future projects. But beware, it's a 'small' screen (that's why I bought it in the first place) so don't expect a big screen. But let me tell you that it fits in my dashboard button cluster very nicely! This thing can fit in very small spaces! Highly recommended!
Complete Kuman Raspberry Pi 4B 3B+ Kit: Breadboard, Expansion Board, Jumper Cables, Ribbon Cable, Resistance Pack
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📦 Smraza Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Case with Fan, Acrylic Enclosure, 4 Coolers, 5V 3A USB-C Power Adapter, USB Card Reader, 6ft Micro HDMI Cable, and 7.8in Micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter Cable for 4K Ultra HD
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uxcell 3.5" HDD Screw Black 200pcs for Computer PC Case - Flat Phillips Head - 6#-32 - Hard Drive Fasteners
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Glarks 660 Pieces Phillips Assortment Motherboard
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🖥️ Helifouner 450-Piece Computer Standoffs Spacer Screws Kit: Ideal for Hard Drive, Motherboard, Fan, Power Graphics & Computer Cases
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MacBook Retina 13-inch (A1425, A1502) and 🔩 15-inch (A1398) Bottom Case Screw Set with Pentalobe Screwdriver
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