I have a Nikon that is about 4 years old. I believe it’s a 5300 but I need to validate. I didn’t have an external flash so I have nothing to compare this to. This uses 4 batteries so best to have some rechargeable batteries for this. The best I can tell, this has all the features I need for a truly amateur photographer. It connects to the camera and adjusts to whatever my lenses are set at. For my untrained eye, the shots come out great.I feel like the flash is good for the level that I’m at. It has the basic functionality I want without being overly complex.The unit seems sturdy enough overall but when putting the batteries in, I felt like i needed to be careful with the lid. I’m a little concerned that part might break. For the value, I can overlook it. I am happy to have received this for review. It makes a big difference for eyes in photos.