I like that they have an option to pay monthly instead if paying upfront which can be helpful when you need it right away! The customer service could use some work but their prices seem very reasonable compared other services out there so no complaints here either way!! They offer many different types (including text only) options as well multiple languages including Spanish & French! So glad this was recommended by my dentist who uses them during new patient visits :) Our office has been using vault 49 since around 2013/2014-ish now or maybe earlier? It's such great value considering all your needs from email accounts through backups etc plus security features too :).
You get what u expect - reliable backup solution at affordable price point vs higher priced competitors not offering same level guarantees / support included w pricing structure.. Great product overall though nothing major dislikes yet aside form cost factor being lower than larger companies i think would provide better quality products across boarderlines haha ;) Highly recommend.