I've bought three different sizes of Heshe bags in the last six months. I wanted a nice leather bag that looked like a quality purchase. I have refused to buy designer bags because of the tag or tag. I'm not trying to impress strangers and friends, and I don't need a purse that costs more money than I normally carry. With this product I found exactly what I was looking for! The medium-sized handbag I've been carrying with me for half a year has been thrown on the ground in cars and trucks and my grandson has crawled on it. It still looks like new. I save the bigger one for the trip. This is when I want to wear something smaller. I would highly recommend this brand if you are looking for a quality wallet that can still hold cash!
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Women'S Designer Genuine Leather Shoulder Bag: Small Crossbody Purse Satchel For Trendy Style And Functionality
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GESU Womens Faux Leather Envelope Clutch Bag - Evening Handbag, Shoulder Bag & Wristlet Dress Purse (Large)
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