First off, let me say that Sea to Summit products are exceptional in every way. I have 3 of their small dry bags and 3 of their small backpacks. All fantastic products. However, due to the size of this bag (35L), it requires a thicker material for outdoor camping and boating use. Because this bag is large and can hold a lot of gear, you can easily pack 15 pounds in it. I've found that at this weight, any gear with hard corners or even the weight of six 12-ounce water bottles with plastic caps can tear or cut the bag's material if the bag hits another object like a refrigerator or cooler. in the trunk of a car. This happened to me the second time I used the bag. A bag of this size needs a thicker material. I'll try to mend the bag as I don't like returning things. Again their quality is amazing for other products I own but not for this large bag.
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