I have seen and used many quality bags in my time and this one is as good as the best I have ever used. The material and stitching are reliable in my opinion. I read in a review that after a week it ripped at the seam near the zipper (with pic). I personally don't understand how this could happen, just sitting in the trunk with a bag in front of me. The material is strong and durable. Obviously if I poke him with a scalpel or utility blade, he'll cut him. The bag I received has no seam defects and the zippers work perfectly. Someone mentioned black spots on the inside of the top cap. I have this in my pocket. I think it's just production marks. The bag is not used as one user mentioned. The bag is clearly new. I wouldn't even notice them if they weren't mentioned. The bag is large enough to hold all of our emergency supplies. I am not an ambulance but the woman works as a delivery man and it will be sufficient for basic trauma care (wound care etc.). I've been looking into this for a while and I think this is a great quality bag, basics. To sum up, if you're not a gorilla in a zoo and you're staying in earth physics, this bag should serve you well.
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