It was easy enough at first glance but when we needed an update of some kind it turned out our problem wasn't what they were supposeed too be fixing! We got into trouble from there though because the support people made us feel as if every little thing should have been taken care off by now anyways (which didn’t make sense). So after spending months getting nowhere I ended up just buying another version myself which worked better than this one ever did anyway so no loss either way really in my opinion since their product has problems themselves already why not fix them rather then put more money down? That being said its pretty nice otherwise considering how cheap everything seems nowadays especially online services like ours are able tto offer such great service without needing any sort of licensing fee or yearly fees etc.. The ability of being able to see what's going where in my facility at any given time has been great! It also helps me keep track when I'm away or not there as well so it makes running things easy if one person isn't around all day long like myself :) Nothing really dislike about this program but nothing amazing either just something small heren'there haha :). Being more organized by having everything under 1 roof was helpful though!!